It's finally Friday. At the end of every week, Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts a meme called Friday's Fave Five. This is my first week participating.
My favorite things this week:
- The fact that my ten year old sons take their Grandmother out for a date on Valentine's Day. They take this very seriously. It started the first year after my father died. They decided that they would step in. Now it's a tradition.
- A few days with bright sunshine, melting snow, and even going out without my winter coat!! There is hope that this winter will end.
- Stroopwaffel. My brother is a pilot, and he recently began doing international flights. He was in Amsterdam, and brought back this amazing treat. It is two thin layers of cookie (waffle) with a layer of carmel syrup in between. When placed upon the top of a warm beverage mug, the steam melts the syrup a little bit - and it is fabulous! If I lived in Amsterdam, I would need an intervention. (and a forklift to get around)
- A call from my friend in California who recently began homeschooling (with a bit of prodding from me) Hearing about the amazing growth and change in her daughter made me want to cry. I'm so excited for them.
- My new Towel Warmer. Especially since our bathroom has two big windows. When we remodeled, I wanted a lot of windows, light, brightness.. but clearly wasn't thinking right by having them put TWO in the bathroom!! The warm towels are a very nice treat. It's a great way to start the day.