Hello and Happy Friday! On Fridays, I link up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for this meme. I love it. It's a quick recap of five highlights from the previous week.
1. My father's best friend won a community service award on Sunday for being the catalyst of a wonderful program in our area. To remember fallen veterans, he works with local town boards to dedicate the roads where these men lived, worked, played ball, or took part in some other meaningful activity - in their names.
The program has taken off and many local communities have joined in, and now, other states are going to be following suit as well. I know my Dad is proud. I wish he could have been there to hear his friend's speech, and to take part in the standing ovations.
2. I attended the award ceremony with my mother and my sister. They weren't wearing their Easter bonnets, but since it is the season, I thought I would use this picture. I do love my family. <3
3. The boys and I have been playing this game, Dabble on my iPod and iPad like crazy, and we have the board game version as well. It is so much fun! The company who makes it has been so sweet and they are allowing me to give one away - if you live in the US and like word games, please feel free to enter. It's so much fun!!
3. Great Wolf Lodge! My boys love it there, so much. We took a quick to the Pocono Mountains and had some indoor waterpark fun.
5. The chance to watch my husband play with the boys. What more could I ask for? My family, together, healthy, and having fun. I am very blessed.
I hope you have a wonderful week, filled with "faves".