Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday's Fave Five ~ 2/25/11

Friday's Fave Five

Last week I did my first Friday's Fave Five post, and I really liked the meme. It's hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story. I enjoyed visiting the other blogs, and many of these women came back to visit mine. This was a definitely doing this one again meme for me.

It's pretty simple, just list the five favorite things that happened during your week in a blog post. Then go visit Susanne and her Friday's Fave Five post. Use the linky tool to add yours, and then go visit others.

Here are my top five:
  1. On Saturday, we marked the one year anniversary of my husband's heart attack. It was a day full of gratitude for me every time I saw him healthy, and alive.
  2. On Sunday, my blog reached 300 Google friend connect followers. I was really happy about that, and am offering a $25 Amazon (dot) com gift card giveaway to celebrate.
  3. On Monday, my boys spent four hours in "camp" at their mixed martial arts school. They kept themselves focused, and did very well. They had a good day, and I got to spend a little bit of time alone with my husband. We did some shopping, a nice lunch - nothing over the top, but it was a nice day for all of us.
  4. Life went back to normal on Tuesday, but I was glad to see my boys transition back to the school day without too much trouble. (they may have handled it better than me?) We accomplished all of our school goals for the week by Thursday, and I got my reviews done, which means today we can do fun things like grammar cartoons, math games, and funny writing prompts.
  5. I have had many people tell me this week that my boys were "so well behaved". Having lived through many Asperger moments when other mothers have stared at me with that, "why doesn't she do something about that kid? stare, this is huge. We still had our imperfect displays, but there was way more good than difficult. (This one goes out to all of the people who told me their social skills would suffer if I took them out of public school!)
Why don't you share your Fave Five with Susanne, too?
