Happy Friday!
Today I am counting Blessings with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story who hosts Friday’s Fave Five, and Brenda at Garden of Learning who is hosting this month’s Gratitude Challenge.
This week I have been thankful for:
1. Special surprises and affirmations from people I respect and care about. A little "Thank you!" can go a long way!
2. Reading people's gratitude posts all over social media. From simple things, like a chance to visit with a friend over BOGO Starbucks® to the huge - like parents getting the news that their child's cancer is in remission. It's everywhere, it makes me smile, and it's contagious.
3. Preparing for Thanksgiving. I host Thanksgiving Dinner - it's one of my favorite days. Not so much for the food, (although it is always good) but for the family time - playing games, laughing, and having fun.
4. Coming upstairs to find that the boys had folded the laundry. I even resisted the urge to re-fold it properly! :)
5. My husband had the chance to see one of his favorite artists perform last weekend. He came home with an unexpected souvenir! He caught the drummers drumstick when he threw it into the crowd! It was cool on it's own, but we like to collect memorabilia, so it was an extra special kind of cool.
To my FFF friends - Have a wonderful week, and Happy Thanksgiving to those of you living here in the USA.