Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday’s Fave Five

fff winter button

Happy Friday!  I love Friday's Fave Five with Susanne at Living to tell the Story.  Sometimes, the weeks just fly by, and it's good to take a look back and remember the highlights.

Ash Wednesday

1.  The beginning of Lent.  I love the symbolism of Ash Wednesday, and the preparation for Holy Week and Easter.

True Friends

2.  I'm so lucky to have friends in "real life" and online.  The ones who get my weirdness, and make me laugh.  Calvin is right.  They ARE hard to come by, and I cherish the ones I have.

Perfect fit

3.  I keep getting exactly what I need.  The right curriculum, the right book, the right review item, so many things have been a perfect fit.  I love when that happens.


4.  I am still working on chivalry with the boys.  It is so sweet when they remember.  They have been remembering more and more often.


5.  My husband was able to complete a minor plumbing repair for us.I love when he does handy, homeowner things.
