Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lent, Day 4

Trish at a House Upon the Rock is hosting this Lenten Meme.  Each day, bloggers are making posts pertaining to the season, and link them together over there.  Please, join in if you are so inclined, or just stop by to read.

Today, Trish posted up some great links.  I was thinking how blessed we are to have technology.  There are so many resources available to us with just a click of a mouse.  I even have some apps for my iPad this year.  One is a Stations of the Cross app.  Stations of the Cross is something we do each Friday during Lent.  We go from station to station and do a reading and meditation as we reflect upon the final hours from Christ's condemnation to his crucifixion and resurrection.   The app has an English, Latin, and Children's version.   It was a wonderful 99 cent investment.  In some ways it seems strange to digitalize the Stations, but I like being able to carry them on an iPod Touch or iPad, anywhere I go.