Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - 8/4 - "P" is for Parenthood

Jenny Matlock

Today it’s Thursday, which means it’s time to link up with Jenny at …off on my tangent… for her weekly Alphabe-Thursday Meme.

I love this one. Each week, the participants make a post using a letter of the alphabet for our theme. Then we all link up on Jenny’s blog. I love reading through the other entries!

Today's passionate prose ponders the letter "P".

In honor of P, I would like to write a  paragraph about Parenthood.

Eleven years ago, I brought two precious preemies into this world, and life has never been the same.  I thought my experience working as  Pediatric nurse and a little bit of NICU would have prepared me for the job.  I was wrong.  From the second they were born I was profoundly overwhelmed by the love and emotions that have become the predominant factor influencing every day that followed.  It is pure and almost primal. I'm so pleased to be the proud parent of these two pre-teens.  (even if they are playing games when they should be putting on their pajamas!)

the boys
