Monday, January 23, 2012

My Amazing Boys

Today I taught my boys things that are considered far above their "grade level".  I watched as they attended their mixed martial arts class.  There was a light saber duel, video games, jokes, imaginative play, and all sorts of appropriate eleven year old boy fun in our house today.

I tucked them into bed, and we said our prayers, and reflected on our day.  Their father read to them for awhile, until their eyes grew heavy.

Here are my guys:

the wonder twins

Aren't they handsome?

They are also smart, healthy, and strong.  I love them so much that it sometimes takes my breath away.

Once upon a time, in a doctor's office far, far, away, I was told they would probably not see this day.  I was told that to carry them would be a great risk to my health, and might leave me on dialysis.  I was berated, and bullied, and told that carrying them wasn't worth what it would do to me - considering their odds of survival were so low.

I walked away and didn't look back.  I found a doctor who would support me, vowed to give me and my growing babies the best medical care possible, and promised to pray about the things that were not in his power.

At 18 weeks, I was put on full  bedrest.  At 24 weeks, all signs indicated they would be born soon.  These boys had other plans.  They were born at almost 32 weeks gestation.

Although very small (the two of them together weighed less than seven pounds!) they were healthy.  Both boys were taken off of ventilators in less than 8 hours, and came home with me after only two and a half weeks in NICU.

I never considered any other alternative.  I know that I'm blessed and lucky to have our beautiful sons.  I'm glad they defied the statistics.

Imagine if I had listened to the first doctor?
